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Discover the most inspiring quotes by Aeschylus on life, love, and success. Read motivational words on PositiveQuotation.com.

Quotes by Aeschylus

About Aeschylus

Aeschylus (c. 525/524 – c. 456/455 BCE) was an ancient Greek playwright often regarded as the father of tragedy. He transformed drama by introducing the second actor and expanding the complexity of plot and character, leading to more dynamic performances. His most famous works, including the Oresteia trilogy, explore profound themes of justice, fate, and the human condition, and he profoundly influenced the development of Western theater.

Nothing forces the heart more than necessity. – Aeschylus

#unique quotes on life

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Memory is the mother of all wisdom. – Aeschylus

#unique quotes on life

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It is in the character of few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered. – Aeschylus

#unique quotes on life

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