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powerful motivational quotes

Find the best quotes about powerful motivational quotes on PositiveQuotation.com. Stay inspired with daily positive messages and uplifting thoughts.

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Success isn't final, failure isn't fatal: It's the courage to continue that counts.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Believe you can, and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

#powerful motivational quotes

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Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

#powerful motivational quotes

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The most dangerous words for your reputation are those you use to defend it.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

#powerful motivational quotes

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Gurdjieff: Remember, you are here because you have realized the necessity of fighting yourself, and only yourself. Therefore, be grateful to everyone who gives you this opportunity.

#powerful motivational quotes

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“Seek the cause of your misfortune within yourself.”

#powerful motivational quotes

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A man who fears defeat has already been defeated.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Otar Ioseliani: A good fighter is not the one who is strong, but the one who is prepared.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Ford: Defeat is simply an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Dostoevsky: When the world sends you signs, you must not miss them.

#powerful motivational quotes

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John Kennedy: Never negotiate out of fear, but never fear to negotiate.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Tolstoy: The brave person fears what should be feared, not what shouldn't be feared.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Churchill: I've never met a strong person with an easy past.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Mario Puzo: The strength of a family, like that of an army, lies in its loyalty.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Montaigne: Until you can't say no, your yes will have no meaning

#powerful motivational quotes

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We always think that we are loved because we are good, and we don't realize that we are loved because they are good, the ones who love us.

#powerful motivational quotes

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If pain can't make you bitter, then you are strong.

#powerful motivational quotes

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If you hate someone, that means he defeated you

#powerful motivational quotes

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Slaves are never paid enough to be free.

#powerful motivational quotes

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People who haven't created anything will always tell you that nothing will work.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Beauty, talent, intelligence, all of these fade, except for wisdom and virtue.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Be wise enough to hear what people aren't saying sometimes, their silence speaks volumes.

#powerful motivational quotes

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Some people talk to you when they have spare time, while others make time to talk to you. Know the difference.

#powerful motivational quotes

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