Positive Quotation

Inspire Positivity with Inspirational Quotes

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A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.   Francis Bacon

#inspirational quotes

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Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

#inspirational quotes

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If everyone did the good they were capable of, there would be no unhappiness in the world. - Ilia Chavchavadze

#inspirational quotes

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A sword is better when it serves as a shield, not as a weapon. - Ilia Chavchavadze

#inspirational quotes

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True dignity does not need shouting. - Ilia Chavchavadze

#inspirational quotes

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There is no relationship without arguments and resentment. Strong people fight and get angry but stay together, while the weak look for replacements.

#inspirational quotes

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When troubles multiply and seem unsolvable, it means victory is near.

#inspirational quotes

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Gurdjieff: Be aware of yourself everywhere and always.

#inspirational quotes

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Gurdjieff: The worse the conditions of life, the better the work results if we constantly remember our task (referring to self-work).

#inspirational quotes

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Gurdjieff: The highest achievement a person can reach is the ability to act.

#inspirational quotes

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Do you know the difference between your smile and your mother's? You smile when you're happy, and your mother smiles when you are happy.

#inspirational quotes

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