The quote "In war, truth is the first casualty" attributed to Aeschylus conveys the idea that during conflict, honesty and objective reality often become casualties amidst the chaos. In war, propaganda, misinformation, and manipulation often replace facts as parties involved prioritize strategic advantage over truth. This leads to a distortion of reality that can obscure the motivations and consequences of the war. The statement highlights the tragic irony that in the midst of battle, it is often the fundamental truths that suffer the most, affecting not only the perception of the conflict but also the decisions made by those involved.
Quote By: Aeschylus
Aeschylus (c. 525/524 – c. 456/455 BCE) was an ancient Greek playwright often regarded as the father of tragedy. He transformed drama by introducing the second actor and expanding the complexity of plot and character, leading to more dynamic performances. His most famous works, including the Oresteia trilogy, explore profound themes of justice, fate, and the human condition, and he profoundly influenced the development of Western theater.
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